 This Month's     Rant   &    Rave 
GUI ver  HUI
Graphical User Interface >  < Hardware User Interface
Though the GUI has opened the computer up to so many people, there remains a large population that could benefit from another level of ease-in-use

Just as everyone uses a light switch's toggle, and a volume control's knob and even the "Touch Pad" of the modern telephone; there needs to be a similarly SIMPLE interface to the computer.

To put it into Prospective: 
The range of expertise spans from the CLI input of the Hacker; to the intuitive GUI of the General User; to Assitive Technology for the Disabled. 

It is that Gap, between the GUI and Assitive Technology that needs attention! 
For the time being, I'll call it the "Hardware User Interface," or HUI

CLI    GUI    HUI    Assitive Technology 
The GUI has transformed the DOS type Computer of the select few--with its Command Line Interface to a Tool for the masses. 

Instead of less than 5% of the population availing themselves of the awesome potential of the Personal Computer, the GUI is now enabling greater than 50 percent of the population to become computer literate. 

This is a GOOD thing, no longer is the computer a novelty for a chosen few, it is now--combined with the Internet--a democratic Leveler/Equalizer for the average citizen. 

However, there is still a very large, and important remaining population that  seems unable to benefit from the GUI. 

Where the Virtual interface with icons and the mouse  might be intuitive for younger users,  this population requires a more basic intuitive interface approach; that is to say, something that we all use in everyday life; something as familiar as a light switch: flip it UP and the Program is "ON," Flip it Down and the Program is OFF." 

Similarly,  when a volume control KNOB is turned counter clockwise,  the sound is diminished, etc. 



CLI   Command Line Interface 
Use of Text as command inputs. 

GUI  Graphical User Interface 
Use of Graphical Icons for Virtual command inputs. 

HUI  Hardware User Interface 
Use of switches, knobs pushbuttons, etc. for command inputs. 

Assitive Technology 
Use of 'all of the above' & more, to communicate between the disabled user and the computer.