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Taylor's Dynamic HTML Tutorial
Lesson 5

by Taylor

Page 3 — Netscape's Resizing Problem

If you're a Netscape user who has gone through this tutorial, at some point you might have resized your browser just to get a better look at things. Suddenly there was a horrible flash and all your wonderful positioning information was gone and your page looked not unlike

This is a known bug in Netscape 4.0. The solution to this problem? Well, the low-tech way would be to place a little reminder on your page that if Netscape users resize their browsers, they'll need to reload the page.

Or you could do it programmatically like thus:

    if (document.layers) {
       window.onResize = reloadIt;
    function reloadIt() {
      document.location = document.location;

This will work in most cases. (Occasionally, however, Netscape will be thrown into an endlessly repeating cycle of reloading the document.)

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