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Taylor's Dynamic HTML Tutorial
Lesson 4

by Taylor

Page 1 — Let's Build Something Useful

If you've been reading the articles in this tutorial and diligently doing your homework, you may still have this nagging little thought in the back of your mind: While this animation madness is fun and all, the fact is - you make unpretentious Web sites, using very down-to-earth, practical Web-based applications. So dynamic HTML couldn't possibly be of any value to you, you say?

"HA!" sez I. Today's lesson is especially for you, my friend. Today we are going to build a number of user interface elements. We'll be dealing with user events, dynamically-changing backgrounds, altering the contents of your page programmatically and turning the visibility of objects on and off.

We'll be doing all this in the context of setting up various user interfaces for your oh-so-practical, useful Web applications. (You also can find plenty of uses for these things in animation. And you'll discover that moving around the left and top placement of an item in your user interface, as we have with the Webmonkey toolbar, has many uses as well.)

If you haven't done so already, you should read Thau's article on JavaScript link events to get a good introduction to user events. We'll be relying on them heavily for this lesson.

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