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Thau's JavaScript Tutorial
Lesson 1

by Thau!

Page 1 — JavaScript Is Your Friend

Interactivity, shminteractivity. Most Web pages that claim interactivity really mean you can click on hyperlinks to go to new pages. Even Web pages that have CGI scripts behind them don't really seem all that interactive: Fill out a form, hit the Submit button, and wait. It's more like throwing bottles into an ocean and hoping for a meaningful reply.

Happily, we have JavaScript. With JavaScript, images can swap when you move a cursor over them, form elements can influence each other on the fly, and calculations can be made without having to resort to a CGI script. There's none of this submit-and-wait stuff — everything happens on your Web page while you're playing with it.

One of the best things about JavaScript is that you can do a great deal with very little programming. You don't need a fancy computer, you don't need any software other than a word processor and a Web browser, and you don't need access to a Web server; you can do all your work right on your own computer.

Even though it's simple to work with, JavaScript is a complete programming language, so as you learn more complicated JavaScript, you're also learning the basics of computer programming. If you want to move on to other programming languages, like Perl, C, C++, or Java, JavaScript is a great introduction.

Enough hype about JavaScript. On to hype about this tutorial.

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