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Reference   JavaScript Code Library
Layout & CSS

These two functions fix the unfortunate Netscape 4 bug that causes the page to lose most of its CSS information when the window is resized.
Netscape 4

This action positions one DHTML element a specified number of pixels away from another.
IE 4, Netscape 4

WM_scaleFont() relatively scales all the fonts on the page depending on the width of the browser window.
IE 4, Netscape 4

This function changes the background color of one or more DIVs or SPANs.
IE 4, Netscape 4

WM_checkin (full version)
This function takes the ID of a postioned HTML element and returns an object reference. This version of WM_checkin() works with nested DIVs in Netscape and with global styles in Internet Explorer.
IE 4, Netscape 4

WM_checkin (light version)
This function takes the ID of a positioned HTML element and returns a object reference.
IE 4, Netscape 4