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Reference   JavaScript Code Library

This function moves a positioned object from its current location to a new one. Optionally, another JavaScript function can be fired upon completion of the move (including another move).

Usage: WM_moveTo('objectName', endingLeft, endingTop, numberOfSteps, delayBetweenSteps, 'functionToFire()');

Usage notes:

  • objectName must be the name of an existing positioned element and must be enclosed in quotes (for example, 'theDiv').
  • endingLeft and endingTop must be numbers. Units are always assumed to be pixels.
  • numberOfSteps must be greater than 0, and delayBetweenSteps must be greater than or equal to 0.
  • 'functionToFire()' must be enclosed in quotes. Any similar quotes within those quotes must be escaped. For example, 'alert(\'I\'m done\')'

Requires: WM_checkin()

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