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This site, "The Realm of Al" ( and assosicated websites) supply storage for a range of programs from Shareware to Informational.

The Realm of Al cannot be held responsible if any of the information and/or files contained on this site is used in the pursuit of illegal activities such as copyright infringement or piracy.

* You are NOT ALLOWED to sell, rent or give away any backups / copies of copyrighted Software, as this is not allowed by Copyright Laws.

* You MUST DESTROY any backups / copies when you don't legally own the Original Software anymore (e.g. selling or giving it away)

* You MUST NOT modified / crack or bypassed using fraudulent information, any security measures put in place by the owners of the software provided by this site.

* The Realm of Al cannot be held responsible if a program is modified / crack or bypassed using software from this site.

* The Realm of Al does not supply software which is modified / crack or bypassed using fraudulent information. Any software found on its servers that does meet this will be removed without warning.

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