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The Webmonkey Collections

We've organized all our stuff into seven categories. To see what's inside each collection, take a gander at this:

Authoring Collection

HTML Basics
HTML is the lingua franca of the Net. It's a simple, universal markup language that allows Web publishers to create pages of text and images that can be viewed by anyone on the Web, regardless of what kind of computer or browser they're using. If you want to build Web pages, you should start here.

Tables — they're not just for spreadsheets anymore! HTML tables can add precision and complexity to your page layout. Discover the magic of these useful tags here.

Using frames, you can divide your page into sections. Not everyone loves the way frames look, but they are a popular design choice.

The differences between Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape's Navigator have bedeviled Web developers for years. Don't worry, Webmonkey will show you the path through the incompatibility mine field. While you're at it, take a look at Opera, Icab, and the other alternatives to the big two.

You've heard the names: Dreamweaver, FrontPage, GoLive, HomeSite. But which software packages should you use for your site? You can also find the best tools for uploading and downloading your files.

Control the look of your page and reduce download time with this next-generation layout language. Soon all the cool kids will be using Stylesheets, and you don't want to be left out. Do you?

Dynamic HTML (dHTML)
What happens when you combine the flexibility of Stylesheets with the power of JavaScript? Some pretty cool stuff, actually. If you want your page to come alive with whiz-bang effects, dHTML may be the way to go.

Everyone seems to be talking about this new language — but why? The generic markup it offers is flexible, powerful, and much easier to deal with than HTML.

Backend Collection

If the information on your site changes by the minute (or the second), plain old HTML just won't do. Stay current by attaching a database to your Web pages. There are lots of ways to do it, and Webmonkey covers them all (or most of them, anyway).

Apache is the world's most popular Web serving software. And XSSI (eXtended server-side includes), which is built into Apache, provides a method for browser detection and template building.

Most servers on the Net make use of one of the many varieties of Unix. If you'd like to set up your own server or learn the basics of the Unix command line, your techie friends at Webmonkey can help.

The Web is great place to share information, but restricting access to that same info is a bear. We've got some tips for the security conscious.

Learn to put together your own network and fine-tune it for peak efficiency.

IP, FTP, and HTTP are just a few of the many protocols that keep the Web functioning. Sort through the acronym soup and see how the Web really functions.

Design Collection

Site Building
We all want sites that are attractive and easy to navigate. But these goals are nearly impossible to achieve without learning the rules that govern Web site design. Come along and learn the principles of this discipline from some of the best designers, then see how professionals put these theories into practice.

GIFs and JPEGs are just the beginning. Click over to learn all about Photoshop, Fireworks, ImageReady, and something called the GIMP.

No matter how much time you spend on graphics and layout, it will all be meaningless if your text is unreadable. We'll help you get beyond the dreaded <H4> tag and show you how to make your site word perfect.

E-Business Collection

Business sites come in all shapes and sizes: Some can be constructed easily, while others require a skilled contractor. Whatever your needs, Webmonkey can help you make the site you want at the right price.

The slickest Web presence in the world won't bring you a cent if no one can find it. Learn to research your marketing needs, create the best banner ads, and place those ads in the right places. Also, see how you can get some exposure for free.

Where are your users coming from? And what are they doing when the get to your site? If you track your visitors, you'll be able to answer these questions and quite a few more.

Multimedia Collection

Audio/MP3 MP3 may be the hottest music format on the Web, but isn't the only one. Webmonkey has all you need to know about Shoutcast, RealAudio, and the irrepressible MIDI.

Shockwave/F lash
Is plain old HTML getting a bit dull? These heavyweight tools can add sophisticated animation and interactivity to the site that needs to separate itself from the pack.

Movies on the Web are far from perfect these days. But we can acquaint you with the available technology and show you how to use it.

Flash and Shockwave aren't the only tools in town. See what the choices are and decide which one's best for you.

Programming Collection

This is the language of browsers. Whether you're looking to do a simple image swap or some crazily complex dHTML, you're going to need to know some JavaScript. So come along, take a tutorial, or grab some free plug-in-and-play snippets from the code library.

It's not just for applets anymore. This language, once notorious for crashing browsers, is now used for complex programming on the client and the server.

You may love Microsoft or you may hate it. But chances are you can't ignore the software giant. Certainly its server-side scripting environment, ASP (active server pages), is among the most popular on the Web. So learn a little VBScript and hook a database to your Web server the Redmond way.

If you need to process forms or otherwise manipulate text, CGI is still the processing method of choice at most ISPs. And Perl's probably the best language to use to build those CGI scripts.

This open-source creation is taking the Web by storm. And no wonder: This Web-centric scripting language has all the power you need without the steep learning curve.

If you're sick of all those curly brackets and parentheses cluttering up other languages, try ColdFusion. It's a tag-based language that can be learned and deployed nice and easy.


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